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The double life of a masked widow.
A dangerous romance between the Joseon version of a widow hero with a mask and an uptight officer begins.
Cho Yeo Hwa has been a widow for 15 years. Her in-laws are the most prestigious noble family in the area. During the day, she lives quietly at home and never goes outside. But, during the night, Yeo Hwa secretly jumps over the surrounding wall and takes care of people who need help. In the process, she gets involved with Park Soo Ho, and she begins to dream about her future. Meanwhile, Soo Ho is a senior officer. He is good at his job and has an attractive appearance.
Series Information
Title: Knight Flower
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Mystery
Stars: Lee Hanee, Lee Jong-won, Kim Sang-joong
Premiere: Jan 12, 2024Trailer
Video Information
Knight Flower
Season Number: 1
Episode Number: 12 (Season Finale)
Language: Korean
Subtitle Language: English
Source: Knight.Flower.S01.720p.WEB DL.AAC2.0.H.264 MARK
Notice! Use VLC or MX Player app to watch this video with subtitle if stated on the post (Subtitle: English).